

Glen Music School starts next week: Mon, 17th February 2020.
Notice to all students, parents and teachers:
Date published:  Thursday, 13 February 2020
Media type:       Statement
Audience:           General public

The scheduled start date for Term 1, 2020 will be:
Monday, 17th February 2020.

* This is not a compulsory start date. All students are free to let us know if you would like to start later. We completely understand the current situation.

Please note the following addendum to Glen Music policies and guidelines:
1. All students must either wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before the start of each lesson.
2. If a student has cold and flu symptoms, such as running nose, high temperature, or is feeling unwell, please stay at home and rest. Glen Music does not charge for sick leave. However, Glen Music must be notified as soon as possible, preferably 24 hours before scheduled lesson time.
3. Glen Music staff will observe proper hygiene procedures in order to minimise the risks of exposure to cold and flu virus. However, if parents are concerned they can provide masks for their own children to use during class.

If you have been overseas, please make sure that you have quaranteed yourself for at least 24 days before starting any music classes.</>

我們開課時間為: 星期一,2020年2月17日。也就是我們學校日歷上面說的,第1學期的第四周。* 學生及家長,可以做出自己的判斷,根據自己、加入、接觸的人的情況下,選擇上課與否。只要早點通知Glen Music,我們是不會收費的。請大家放鬆心情,保持健康,健康在這段時間是最重要的。隨時考慮武漢病毒的情況,告知Glen Music。我們會予以配合。




1. if you have travelled to Hubei Province within the past 24 days, you must isolate yourself until 24 days after you left Hubei Province
2. if you have left or transited through mainland China on or after 1 February 2020 please isolate yourself until 24 days after leaving China
3. if you have been in close contact with a confirmed case of novel coronavirus, please isolate yourself for 24 days after last contact with the confirmed case

© 2020 Glen Music. All Rights Reserved.